Space is limited. Buy your BCP ’24 tickets today!



October 5th, 2024

8am to 6pm

The Wharton School (UPenn)


Sponsoring BarCamp Philly is a great way to support an educational community environment, foster learning and collaboration, as well as reach some of the most driven, creative, and tech-savvy people from the region.

We strive to find creative ways to promote your business leading up to and on the day of the event. Our 2024 sponsorship amounts allow room for companies and individuals to donate whatever their budget allows.

No matter what the amount, you are helping make this year’s event a success. And we appreciate it! We like to talk up our sponsors on social media and the BarCamp Philly website.

We use all sponsorship money to improve the quality of the BarCamp Philly experience. In our previous years, sponsorship money went to printing T-shirts, lanyards, providing breakfast, coffee and afternoon snacks, conference materials and.

We’d like to thank all of our sponsors – new and old – for helping us put on a great event for the community!


Get THE most visibility possible with our premier packages that offer top billing on social media, on the sponsor section of the website, the t-shirt, and on the walls and around the space at the event.

Provide the venue, security, and housekeeping, or be our Presenting Sponsor for the year.

This package sponsors the professionally catered morning breakfast of pastries, bagels, fruit, yogurt and more, that will kick us off in the morning. It is a seriously delicious way to start the day. Did we mention it includes bacon? It comes out to about $5 per person to kick off the day.

Buy coffee for everyone. All day. No really, we’re able to provide both the morning and afternoon coffee and tea service that will be available to fuel attendees all day long with this sponsor package. It comes out to about $4 per person to make sure we’re all buzzing about BarCamp Philly.

This package sponsors an afternoon infusion of sweetness, by way of hot spiced apple cider, delicious cookies, gourmet popcorn and more, all of which will be brought into the main forum during the lunch break and available all afternoon. It comes out to about $3 per person to keep BarCamp Philly’s bellies full all afternoon. 

Put your logo on all of the attendee badge lanyards. We get them in three colors: green for photo-friendly, yellow to ask, and red for no photos. $3 per person for an item many attendees keep!


In addition to the perks of the LUCHADOR! sponsor level, we’re including a recruitment / networking table during the day (first come, first serve), food and drink and branded signage and the opportunity to be a big presence at BarCamp Philly. These sponsorships also come with ample digital and analog shoutouts and special billing on the site and T-shirt.

We’re open to reworking the details if you have another idea in mind, so let us know what you’re thinking!

Questions? sponsorship /at/ 


Your logo gets top billing on our site, on the back of the BarCamp Philly t-shirt, and on a well-placed wall decal at the event. 6 free tickets are included.

Your logo is featured our site, on the back of the BarCamp Philly t-shirt, and on a wall decal at the event. 4 free tickets are included.
Your logo is featured on the our site, and your company name listed on the back of the BarCamp Philly t-shirt. 2 free tickets are included.

Are you a sole proprietor? Your name listed on website and the back of the BarCamp Philly t-shirt. 1 ticket is included.

(Amounts are approximate based on estimated attendance and previous year’s budget.)

Questions? sponsorship /at/