Space is limited. Buy your BCP ’24 tickets today!

Key Guidelines for Attendees

At BarCamp Philly's main hall, 80+ attendees sit as the conference is about to start.

Key information for BarCamp Philly Attendees 2024

BarCamp Basics

1. BarCamp Philly is a one day ‘un-conference’ event. That means the speakers and sessions for BarCamp Philly are decided on the morning of our event. There are no set speakers, and we cannot promise what topics the day will talk about. It’s all a surprise, and that’s part of the fun! Learn more about giving a talk in our Speaker Guidelines.

2. As an attendee at BarCamp Philly, your voice gets to be heard! Throughout the morning, potential speakers will pin their talks to the session board, and everyone gets to vote with stickers for talks that they find interesting. This helps us judge the size of the audience for each talk. Please vote on any and all talks that sound like something you’d like to learn more about.

3. When you are in a BarCamp talk, feel free to move from the session you are currently in to another one. To us and the speakers this doesn’t mean “I don’t like you or your session.” It instead means “I’ve heard everything I need to hear from this session right now. Thanks for the information!”

4. Networking is most definitely encouraged! It’s a day of making new friends while learning something new. Meeting folks and sharing what you do is part of the fun.

5. We never want to turn away anyone for any reason. If the financial cost of BarCamp Philly is prohibitive, we encourage you to reach out to us at We would love to hear from you and help you be a part of the day!

Additional Guidelines

1. While we cater a light breakfast (and all the coffee you could possibly drink) lunch is on you. It’s a tradition to get lunch outside of the conference hall with some of the new people you’ve met! 

2. There is no official BarCamp Philly after party. Please feel free to self organize & invite new friends.

3. Wearing a mask at BarCamp Philly is not required, and anyone is welcome to bring and wear a mask.

4. People are often taking photos throughout the day at BarCamp Philly. We will have color coded lanyards available that note your preference with being in public photographs (i.e. posted to our website, or social media, etc). 

How to get more involved or more information!

1. BarCamp Philly runs on our volunteers the day of the event & we’re always looking for more help. This is a small commitment, usually just one hour, and involves checking attendees in, providing wayfinding information, and assisting with minor questions. We would love to have you join us, and you get a pretty sweet volunteers-only BarCamp Philly T-Shirt. If interested, email us at

2. For general questions before October 5th, email us at

3. For ticketing questions before October 5th, email us at

4. For questions around sponsorship or are considering it, thank you in advance! You help us make the event possible. Email us at

For accessibility information about BarCamp Philly’s venue, Huntsman Hall at The University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business please refer to the following resources: Penn Access Map of Jon. M Huntsman Hall. The facilities website for Huntsman Hall. The building manager is Andrew Harrington, who can be reached at AJHarr@Wharton.UPenn.EDU. If you need additional assistance, please let us know by emailing us at